
This design is inspired by work: A Custom Microcontrolled and Wireless-Operated Chamber for Auditory Fear Conditioning


The negative stimulus conditioning box is comprised of multiple elements:

  • A cubical chamber with latched door and floor constructed with stainless steel bars that can deliver maximum current of 0.3mA.

  • Teensy and customized PCB for current delivery and control.

  • Tray for catching droppings.

Bill of Materials

Materials required to complete this build are included in this document.


Here is a file containing technical drawings for all machined components. DXF files are an industry standard used in 2D manufacturing. 3D printed components are stored as STL files.

For cost and quality, we recommend that acrylic components be processed by a laser cutter. If you don’t have access to such tooling, there are a myriad of online companies that will accept these files and fabricate the components rapidly. Here is a list of online fabricators we have worked with.

The control electronics requires the fabrication of a custom PCB. Gerber and drill files are here. They are accepted by many online PCB manufacturers.

Finally, here you will find code for the microcontroller (Teensy 4.1).